
And so it begins….

Welcome to Alive With Hope!  I feel a deep need to cultivate HOPE, both in myself and our society.  That’s why I’m starting this blog.

Hope about what?  Hope that we humans can live in peace, share our resources to alleviate suffering and unleash the potential of all humans,  and live on this beautiful planet in a way that is sustainable for the Earth, humankind, and the other species with whom we share the world. 

Maybe like you, I have struggled to find Hope over the last several years.  Feeling sad and overwhelmed by the state of politics, the environment, and human suffering in the world, I have buried my head and immersed myself in the minutia of my everyday life.  

In the midst of this global health and economic crisis, I have come to a few conclusions.  I MUST choose HOPE.  In order for my life to be worth living, I must be Alive With Hope.  And for Hope not be to a feeble-minded escape from despair, I MUST ACT. 

I have come to believe that Hope is more than optimism.  It is Optimism + Action.  The book “Making Hope Happen:  Creating the Future You Want for Yourself and Others” by Shane J. Lopez Ph.D. has significantly influenced me, offering this formula for creating and sustaining Hope. 

In this blog we will explore how to create and sustain our Hope for our future, through small everyday actions.  I don’t have all the answers, just a fervent desire to cultivate Hope and inspire Action. 

The intention of this Blog is to provide a forum for people who choose to be Alive With Hope to inspire and be inspired, to share ideas and strategies for small actions to improve our world, and to support each other in keeping Hope Alive and Vital. 

A question I am holding right now is “What little thing can I do today that makes a positive difference in the world?”  The other day it was paying my hair stylist for a haircut I couldn’t get.  Today it was thanking my neighbor for the things she does to bring the neighbors together and create community.  My goal with holding this question in front of myself is to take an action that has positive impact, even a miniscule one, every single day. 

I would love for you to share the actions, large or small, that you’re taking that have a positive impact on our world. 

Thanks for joining me on this exploration of Hope.  I’m looking forward to learning with and from you. 

With Love and Hope,



  • Monica Nester

    Love this, and the daily action. Today it is signing up for your posts so I too can live in hope.

    • colleen_osborne

      Hi Monica,

      So glad you’re choosing to live with hope too! I’m glad you’re following the blog. Please share your wisdom too!

      With love and hope,


  • Malene

    Looking so much forward to reading your blog posts going forward. You are so wise and amazing 🙂