
Answering the Clarion Call – Finding Your Labor of Love

Last week I wrote about the idea that each of us can actively engage to make the world better by embracing our personal Labor of Love.  I feel very strongly that the world is crying out for us, the human species, to do exactly that right now.  I also feel very strongly that by not actively engaging to change the world, we accept and choose THIS world. 

Whatever you’re waiting for, more knowledge or skill, less stress in your life, or anything else, I urge you to let go of the need for perfect conditions before you start.  There will not be another, better time. You don’t need to be perfect, you just need to do what’s in your heart.  Be willing to serve.  Be willing to make mistakes and give yourself grace when you do.  I recently read this compelling article about the difference between Helping, Fixing, and Serving.  It is instructive for us as we seek our Labor of Love.  http://www.dailygood.org/view.php?sid=218 

Another beautiful piece that might help you find a direction for your Labor of Love is called “Seven Ways to Live in the Direction of Your Purpose”, and is available at this link http://www.dailygood.org/story/2570/seven-ways-to-live-in-the-direction-of-your-purpose-jill-suttie/

Friends, as I’ve been searching for my Labor of Love, I’ve come to believe that the qualities I need are the wisdom to listen deeply to what my heart and soul are telling me is needed, the courage to surrender myself to it, and the grit to persevere even when it’s hard.  I ask for these qualities daily in a meditation/affirmation.  I hope this knowledge helps you. 

For me, I want to live in a world where all people truly are equal and they are healthy, happy, and kind to one another.  I also long for a world where humans respect and protect the Earth and all the other species with which we share the planet. Some of my Labor of Love projects include the Little Free Pantry, this blog, and volunteering to support the KarunaVirus Website and promote the sharing of inspiring stories.  Supporting others in finding their Labor of Love may be another of my Labors of Love.  😊

If you’ve found your Labor of Love, I’d love to hear about it and the vision of the world it seeks to manifest.  If you are stuck or need help, I want to hear that too.  Let me know how I can help you find your Labor of Love. 

With Love, Hope, and Action for a Better World,


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