
Meditation: I Am Love, We Are Love

Hello, friends!  One of my self-care non-negotiables is starting my day, every day, with a meditation.  Sometimes it’s a silent meditation, sometimes chanting along with one of my favorites on the Insight Timer App, and sometimes a guided meditation from Insight Timer. 

Lately, a dear friend has been serving as my guinea pig as I learn to lead meditations.  That’s where a meditation I posted a few weeks back came from.  Today, I have my first ever truly original meditation creation to share with you.  It felt special as I wrote it, was special as my friend meditated to it, and feels special to share with you.   

With so many of us longing for love and connection these days when our country feels acrimonious and divided, the meditation is called “I Am Love, We Are Love.”  May it help you bring Love and Hope into the world with you. 

How else are you putting your Love and Hope into the world?

With Love and Hope for a Better World,
