• The Smallest Action I Can Take

    Prior posts have been about TAKING ACTION to sustain hope that the world WILL BECOME a more compassionate place, and how we can also change the world by simply BEING.  We continue with both themes this week as we consider the question, “What is the Smallest Action I Can Take?”  I claim no credit for this brilliant question, nor the follow-on piece of brilliance – “Whatever it is, don’t just think about it.  Do it already.”  That’s a rough quote, maybe not the exact words I heard.  All credit for these deceptively simple, yet enlightening ideas, goes to Dr. Leila Naderi, whom I had the pleasure to learn from on…

  • Star Trek Comes to my Street via Polarities and Infinity Loops…Whhaatt?

    My husband and I just finished watching the “Star Trek: The Next Generation” series again.  It left me wondering, “How DO WE get to a Start Trek world?”  A world where humans’ objective is not to accumulate wealth and possessions.  Where there is no hunger or poverty and where curable diseases have been cured for all.  With some of my recent musings I may have partially answered my own question.  —— My first post was about Taking Action to make the world a better place.  This assumption comes partly from a book that has influenced me, “Making Hope Happen”, where Action is central to making Hope happen.  It is also…

  • And so it begins….

    Welcome to Alive With Hope!  I feel a deep need to cultivate HOPE, both in myself and our society.  That’s why I’m starting this blog. Hope about what?  Hope that we humans can live in peace, share our resources to alleviate suffering and unleash the potential of all humans,  and live on this beautiful planet in a way that is sustainable for the Earth, humankind, and the other species with whom we share the world.  Maybe like you, I have struggled to find Hope over the last several years.  Feeling sad and overwhelmed by the state of politics, the environment, and human suffering in the world, I have buried my…