
Simple, But Hard, Guidance for Turbulent Times

Dear friends, I find myself with a heavy heart and concern for the future of our country and our world.  How’s that for the opening sentence of a blog post about Hope?  This brand of Hope acknowledges reality, and so I have to face it.  I’m troubled by the condition our planet is in.  I’m troubled by the seemingly unending police attacks on Black Americans.  I’m troubled by the vigilantes with guns going to “keep the peace” at protests and ending up shooting people.  I’m troubled by “leaders” defending that behavior.  There are so many things that are concerning right now.  I won’t even try to enumerate all of them. 

One thing I’m gleaning from the news is that Americans, across the political spectrum, are afraid…of socialism being imposed by the left, of fascism being imposed by the right, of protestors, of vigilantes, of police, and on and on and on.  Sadly, these fears are being deliberately inflamed. 

Last night I prayed, to a supreme being that I don’t know exists, for Americans to connect with their “better angels”.  I prayed for Leaders in this country that de-escalate tensions.  Leaders that call on us to love our neighbors.  Leaders who remind us of what we have in common.  Leaders who call for calm, for peace, and for tolerance. 

We are not enemies, but friends.  We must not be enemies.  Though passion may have strained it, it must not break the bonds of our affection.  The mystic chords of memory will swell again when touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

Abraham Lincoln

This morning, I did a Loving Kindness meditation, which I feel particularly drawn to these days to help me access love for others.  Reading my personal leadership vision, which I do every morning, I stumbled over the statement, “…I see good in everyone and forgive people (including myself) when they fail to live up to their good intentions and I lovingly urge them onward to being better.”  I had to acknowledge to myself that I’m having trouble living this right now. 

This morning I read a more hopeful article on environmental and planetary concerns. It talked about hitting a tipping point – towards healing the climate.  https://www.karunavirus.org/view.php?op=dg&sid=2583   

And somehow, through these various inputs, I was able to access guidance from deep inside myself. The guidance is that the way to carry on right now is to keep digging deep and finding love for my neighbors, no matter their political beliefs.  It is to do what is right and good for the planet and other people, even if those people are behaving badly right now.  It is to acknowledge that we are all afraid and to be willing to listen, really listen, to others’ concerns.  It is to try to build a world that I believe will be fairer and kinder to all.  In other words, just keep on doing what I’m doing.  And be a force for calm, tolerance, peace and love.  It’s incredibly simple, and yet very very hard to do right now.

My friends, I recently wrote and recorded a meditation that I hope will help you access peace and calm, and maybe your own guidance about how to carry on right now.  Please let me know how you’re coping, where you’re finding Love, Hope, and Inspiration to access your Better Angels in these turbulent times. 

Forest Wisdom Meditation

With Love, Hope, and Action for a Better World,



  • Anna

    Thanks Colleen, I understand your worries and send big virtual hugs. Keep hoping and doing the best you can do- I think self compassion and compassion for others is key right now. A prayer I use is to sing inwardly or outwardly, HU(pronouced Hue); it is an ancient love song to God or the divine(whatever you believe in). I sing it for 20 minutes every day similar to your meditation and helps me to balance myself in these times and tune inwardly to inner guidance on how to keep giving service in these times. Hope it helps! Also check out Kiss the Ground website about regeneration of soil!
    Love, Anna

    • colleen_osborne

      Hi Anna,

      Thank you for your virtual hugs and support. Your practice sounds wonderful. What an amazing coincidence, I just was watching a webinar from Kiss the Ground! I’m spending a lot of time in my new Joy Garden and finding nature really helps.

      With Love,
