
The Smallest Action I Can Take

Prior posts have been about TAKING ACTION to sustain hope that the world WILL BECOME a more compassionate place, and how we can also change the world by simply BEING. 

We continue with both themes this week as we consider the question, “What is the Smallest Action I Can Take?”  I claim no credit for this brilliant question, nor the follow-on piece of brilliance – “Whatever it is, don’t just think about it.  Do it already.”  That’s a rough quote, maybe not the exact words I heard.  All credit for these deceptively simple, yet enlightening ideas, goes to Dr. Leila Naderi, whom I had the pleasure to learn from on a webinar recently.   She went on to say something like, “Making a difference doesn’t require waiting until I’m a billionaire with lots of money to throw at a problem.  It requires an open heart and being willing to take small actions.”  Dr. Naderi is indeed a wise woman.  Learn more about Dr. Naderi here https://www.leilanaderi.com/ if you’re interested.   

Her words encouraged me to speed up my Little Free Pantry by putting up a temporary one and stocking it with items from my own pantry.  I didn’t have to BUY ANYTHING.  I’d been waiting until we could build the permanent pantry, but with a little prompting from Dr. Naderi, I acted immediately (with my wonderful husband’s help).  What was I waiting for?  The need exists now.  Waiting for a permanent pantry doesn’t address the CURRENT NEEDS.

Sometimes it is JUST THAT SIMPLE.  So, let’s explore what are some of the SMALLEST ACTIONS we can take to make a difference?  The list might include: 

  • Writing a letter to a friend or family member (one you really like!) and letting them know how you feel about them and what you admire about them
  • Signing a petition that supports a cause you believe in
  • Signing up to receive emails/blog/Twitter/Instagram posts from a person or organization that inspires you; Sharing a particularly insightful one with a friend who would appreciate it
  • Contacting your elected officials to let them know your perspective on an important issue 
  • Checking in on a friend or loved one
  • Smiling at a stranger
  • Letting another car in front of you in traffic
  • Making a charitable contribution to a worthy organization
  • Thanking someone for something they’ve done

The prior list includes examples of DOING.  Let’s also consider some examples of BEING.

  • Some small act of self-kindness, whether it’s 5 quiet minutes to DO NOTHING, be outside in nature, or a take mindful walk around your space.
  • A short meditation that calms your mind and centers you.
  • Giving yourself a treat that you enjoy mindfully.  **I love dark chocolate and usually inhale it without hardly tasting it.  Occasionally, though, I manage to extend the experience by letting it melt on my tongue.  The flavor stays with me so much longer when I eat it that way and I feel a much more lasting satisfaction. **
  • Giving yourself permission to take a catnap when you’re tired. 
  • Silencing the inner critic, just once, and reminding yourself of some evidence that your inner critic is wrong.

Notice this second list, is all things we undertake for ourselves.  What is the impact when we are kind and loving with ourselves?   When we are calm and centered?  I know for me, I show up differently with others when I’ve done some good self-care.  In a guided meditation I did recently, the teacher said that when we judge ourselves less (as meditation teaches us), we also judge others less.  I would extend that thinking by saying when we are kind to ourselves, we can be kinder to others.  What is the potential impact of that, if magnified by many people doing it? 

These are short lists of incredibly simple actions we can take, offered in the spirit of sparking your creativity.  What small actions could you take to make a positive difference in the world?  What are you waiting for, love? 

With Love and Hope,



  • Anna

    Say it sister! I love these, small acts can cause such ripples! I like to send friends/families inspiring quotes or articles and have been giving my self love each day with exercise, a little walk, yoga, or dancing!
    Thanks for these wise words! I love your little free pantry idea!

  • JIm Gillespie

    Now that you’ve called attention to it I’m seeing so many opportunities to take a small action, and I’m trying to improve my “batting average” in following up on them. Sometimes this terrible crisis even makes it a little easier to do so. Today I got an email for a meeting of a local advocacy group fighting to prevent 1,600 feet of a local stream being taken underground to facilitate development. Because it’s a virtual meeting I won’t even have to leave my home to attend.

    • colleen_osborne

      Hi Jim,

      So glad you’re reading! Yes, there are so many little opportunities. I’m happy you’re seeing them, and seizing them!



  • Malene

    Thanks for this inspiring post.
    I have noticed that I smile more (sending a stranger a smile) now. This is to connect with strangers because we have to find a way to pass each other in the street and still keep the distance required.
    Even the smallest thing can actually give yourself and others a spot of joy, we just have to see that is what we are doing. It is easy to forget.

  • Carin Rockind

    This is such beautiful and important wisdom, Colleen. Thank you for sharing it. We truly can make a big difference with small actions. And all of the “action” of BEING allows us to show up in the world the way we want to. THANK YOU!

    • colleen_osborne


      I’m glad you’re checking out the blog! Thanks for your kind comments.
