
The World Needs All the Love We Can Pour Into It…

One of the most impactful things I’ve read or seen in the past two weeks was a non-descript looking video on Facebook.  In this video, a White man speaks eloquently about many things related to Racism and the history of protest and rebellion in this country.  And, he spoke about Love. 

The video was by a man named Johnny Graf, who I don’t know and have never met.  I am sharing his words here because I feel they are the words of encouragement that our country, and our world need right now.  Johnny, my hat’s off to you.  No one has said it better.

“Man, 2020 what a year of opportunity.  Really hard opportunity.  We started in with COVID, recognizing that we were asleep and disconnected.  Now here we are with civil unrest across our United States.  What a year for opportunity.  Heartbreaking to see the hatred being poured out towards protestors.  You know this country is built on protest.  Protesting is patriotic.  We founded this country on protest.  Even further, damage to property, destruction, rebels – with a big “screw you” to their oppressor.  Protesting is patriotic.

My hat is off to all of you on those front lines. It’s hard to keep Love in our hearts right now and it’s imperative that we do.  Especially as White humans, it’s our responsibility to be strong and pour Love into the hearts for those who can’t.  For those that are marginalized and continue to be marginalized.  To my Black brothers and sisters, I say I love you and I stand with you.  To my Brown brothers and sisters, I say I love you and I stand with you.  To my Yellow brothers and sisters, I say I love you and stand with you.  To my LGBTQ brothers and sisters, I say I love you and I stand with you. 

I acknowledge the privilege that I have enjoyed my entire life since I was born as a White male.  I have been asleep to it for too long.  I think that we all have as white humans.  And what we’re seeing now is a great uprising and a necessary uprising because, what do we expect?  Of course…

There’s not very many times where I’m lost and I don’t know what to do. I pride myself on being a leader and someone who has the right steps.  And I don’t know what they are right now.  Phew.  That’s really hard to say.

What I think is most needed right now is Love.  Hatred cannot drive out hatred. Only Love can do that.  For those of us that are able, fill yourselves up, pour out your Love, refill, pour it out, repeat in whatever way, shape or form that you can find.  Pour out the Love.  Pour it to the protestors.  Pour it to their families.  Pour it the families of those who have been aggrieved by police violence.

And here’s the bugger of the thing.  You’re talking about a fraction, a fraction of Police Officers across our country that would do such a heinous thing.  Despicable thing.  Protect and serve.  I know so many good humans that I Love so much that are Police Officers and they are absolutely horrified by the actions of a few.  And yet, we are still responsible.  This CANNOT continue.  This MUST stop.  Driving vehicles through protestors or shooting them with a bow and arrow is not going to work.  Maybe try Listening.  Listen to their actions because actions speak louder than words.  The words have been spoken. Didn’t work. The kneeling has been spoken.  Didn’t work.  This is what we get. 

We as a nation must come together and listen and change.  Adapt.  It’s what we’re good at as Americans.  People look to us from around the world for transformation, for transforming this world. 

If you’re listening to this or watching this, share it or make your own version.  But make it be known that if you stand with me, you stand for Love.  And that you stand for change.  And you stand with those who are marginalized and continue to be marginalized. 

Love you all.”

Mic drop, Johnny.  Thank you for the inspiration, the LOVE, and the HOPE.  What follows is an audio recording I’ve made, sort of a cross between poem and meditation.  It’s one way I’m sending my Love out into the world.  Please share how you’re sending your Love out into the world. 

With Love and Hope,



  • Gayle Talaga

    Colleen, especially after seeing the video of what happened in Atlanta 24 hours ago, mustering love, with the exception of care for the newly minted widow Tamika, just doesn’t seem possible right now. My feelings are of anger and of sadness. And I almost feel as if I have no right to those feelings as I’ve grown up as a privileged white woman. I’ve had my times where I’ve experienced abuse, yes, but nothing, NOTHING like folks not as privileged as me go through as a matter of fact.
    All I can do right now is hope and pray that all of us who possibly can will use the vote this November, and that the election will be as fair as possible, and that the change that I feel can only happen with a new administration will happen. If not, I truly fear there will be a civil war. Black and brown people have been exceptionally patient with white folks, who’ve had their privilege backed up with police power for so long. What I fear is those who are in power will become so terribly frightened by all that’s happened these past weeks that their response will bring terrible things down upon us all. I don’t know how to love right now, I only know to be afraid, and yes, to have a little hope. Love right now, not so much.

    • colleen_osborne

      Hi Gayle,

      Thanks for your comments. They are real. I understand that’s where you are. I remember on last Friday’s Laughter Yoga class, Marrey and I talking about gentleness as a way to handle the extreme emotions many of us are feeling right now. My friend, I send you peace and gentleness.

      With Love and Hope and Peace and Gentleness,
