
The World That Love Built

Dear friends, I’ve written before about the idea of making the world a better place.  Someone recently asked me what this world would be like.  Drawing on parts of my personal vision statement, I said “I want to build a world where people are healthier, happier, and kinder to one another.”  And she probed deeper, asking, “How would things be if people were healthier, or happier, etc.?” 

I could not answer immediately answer her and that meant I needed to do more thinking about it.  What I am going to share here right now is not perfect, complete, or polished.  It simply comes from my heart. 

I LONG to live in a world where:

  • Every single human has plenty of food to eat.
  • Every single human has a nice and safe place to live.
  • Every single human has access to health care throughout their life span.  No one dies of a curable disease.
  • Humans know how to share the planet with other species; and thus our animal brothers and sisters are thriving.
  • Our Earth is thriving, with clean air, water, and soil that supports all life.
  • Every single human that wants it has free access to high quality education.
  • Every single human has the possibility to self-actualize by discovering and growing their special gifts and talents. 
  • We care more about each other than we do money and creatures comforts.
  • We all know and live as though we are interconnected, not just humans but all life.
  • Indigenous cultures are valued and supported in ways they want to be supported.
  • ALL humans live – truly – as EQUALS.
  • Humans’ highest goal is to care for each other, our animal brothers and sisters and our Earth, and we have a reverence for all life.  We seek knowledge and resources to further the well-being of all forms of life. 

That is the start of my bold vision for a world built by Love.  What is your vision for the world Love would build?

With Love, Hope, and Action for a Better World,



  • Anna

    That is very inspiring Colleen! My vision would be similiar to see ourselves all as souls learning in this world together and lifting each other up with love and kindness!

  • Jim Gillespie

    Yes it is inspiring, and so challenging. I think one of the toughest parts of trying to put these values into action is applying them even to those one might not consider worthy. So much idealism founders on the realization that folks who are disadvantaged are no more virtuous than the rest of us, and often don’t “appreciate” help in a way that makes helpers feel good. Of course there are many reasons for that, I’m in a “helping” profession and after many years am still discovering how my purpose was actually to help myself, and I am learning to be grateful for how much those I tried to help actually helped me.

    • colleen_osborne

      Hi Jim,

      Yes, there’s much to be learned about ourselves from these interactions. I’m learning that my reactions in these situations are about me rather than the other person. When I took the homeless man to lunch and he said things that sounded fantastical, and quite frankly crazy, I learned how to suspend my judgment and just be with him. It wasn’t easy and it was completely worthwhile.

      With Love, Hope, and Action for a Better World,
